Free Download Expanding Choice: Moving to Linux and Open Source with Novell Open Enterprise Server
Free Download Expanding Choice: Moving to Linux and Open Source with Novell Open Enterprise Server
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Expanding Choice: Moving to Linux and Open Source with Novell Open Enterprise Server
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From the Back Cover
"Expanding Choice: Moving to Linux and Open Source with Novell Open Enterprise Server" is a concise, authoritative guide for IT professionals to help evaluate and implement Novell's open source technologies. You will be able to understand and assess the advantages of open source technologies through the discussion of specific, customer-tested implementation strategies for both open source and traditional software. You will also review the benefits and costs of both open source and closed source software systems. Find out how Novell's new Open Enterprise Server combines the choice and flexibility of SUSE Linux with the reliability of Novell's proven networking software in "Expanding Choice: Moving to Linux and Open Source with Novell Open Enterprise Server."
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About the Author
Jason Williams is the product manager for Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) and the creator of the requirements document for OES. He joined Novell in 1999 and had been product manager for GroupWise®, WebAccess, and Wireless. He created Novell's Instant Messaging system, GroupWise Messenger. Previously, he has held positions in London for numerous financial institutions including the Bank of England and the BBC World service. Peter Clegg is a freelance author and former technology editor for McGraw-Hill. He has been published in major trade and business magazines and specializees in evolving IT services. He has been writing about networking technology for over 15 years. He was Director of Marketing over NetWare and Internet services at Novell. Emmett Dulaney is the certification columnist for UnixReview and author of Novell Certified Linux Professional Study Guide from Novell Press. He has earned 18 vendor certifications, written several books on Linux, Unix, and certification study, spoken at a number of conferences, and is a former partner at Mercury Technical Solutions. © Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Product details
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Novell Press; 1 edition (March 17, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0672327228
ISBN-13: 978-0672327223
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.8 x 8.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.0 out of 5 stars
1 customer review
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#12,801,898 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
You probably know that the major unix vendors, IBM, Sun and HP, are migrating their unixes to linux. But the smaller players are also doing so. Notably Novell, as described in this book.The first 3 chapters are a good, vendor-neutral explanation of open source and why you might want to go with it. The advice is commendably objective. For these chapters alone, you may want to seriously consider getting the book.The remainder of the book explains Novell's proprietary offerings. It suggests possible advantages in adopting their Open Enterprise Server. The level of discussion is moderately technical. Seems mostly directed as an overview for management.En passant, I have to remark on a list of 10 reasons, given in chapter 4, claiming that Novell "is the best choice as a partner". One reason is "Novell has more resources and talent focused on delivering enterprise class linux and open source technologies than any other vendor". I am very dubious about this. IBM is much larger and has been offering this type of linux support for several years.
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Expanding Choice: Moving to Linux and Open Source with Novell Open Enterprise Server PDF
Expanding Choice: Moving to Linux and Open Source with Novell Open Enterprise Server PDF
Expanding Choice: Moving to Linux and Open Source with Novell Open Enterprise Server PDF